Cuore Innovativo, a specific project of the Territorial Plan (PITer) Cuore Delle Alpi, an operational instrument financed by the Interreg-Alcotra Strategic Programming 2014-2020, aims at creating the conditions for the Alte Valli territory (a cross-border cooperation territory joining the neighbouring alpine valleys of Pays de Maurienne, Briançonnais, Guillestrois Queyras, Pays des Ecrins in France and Valle di Susa, Val Sangone and Pinerolese in Italy) to offer innovation opportunities to the driving sector of tourism by linking receptivity, reception, handicrafts and services. The project aims to study and stimulate the necessary conditions for the Alte Valli area to become an intelligent destination through concrete innovations and coordinated economic development around its being a major tourist destination.



  1. Creation of a Franco-Italian 'network' of economic actors that will facilitate the exchange of experiences and cross-border cooperation
  2. Facilitate inter-company and/or inter-laboratory collaborations
  3. Developing cross-border services
  4. Promoting sustainable tourism
  5. Creation of new business services and enhancement of existing ones
  6. Making the High Valleys area a smart destination


THE NEW laboratorio alte valli

The new Laboratorio Alte Valli is based on the expansion (in territorial terms, of companies, products, services, events, stories, points of interest) of the Laboratorio Valsusa project (2014).  Continuing to characterise itself as a marketing project desired and supported by CNA Torino to promote artisan enterprises, places and quality food and wine products in a wider area, Laboratorio Alte Valli contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the innovative core project that envisage the characterisation of the entire cross-border area identified as an intelligent, sustainable and innovative tourist destination (including local enterprises and actors).

The project is open to companies in the Susa Valley, Sangone Valley and Pinerolo Valleys that meet the appropriate requirements:

  1. Type of enterprise: craftsmen, farmers, tourism enterprises, personal services, catering
  2. Territoriality: enterprises must have a close link with the territory and share the objective of enhancing the feeling of belonging to the community
  3. "Know-how": craftsmanship and processing of agricultural products of the High Valleys culture
  4. Having a "story to tell" of the enterprise or its products or services
  5. Willingness to be part of an informal network

Each company that participates in the Laboratorio Alte Valli project is guaranteed the promotion of its activity through various digital communication tools (presence on the site, animation on social pages) and the future possibility of placing its products on a B2C e-commerce platform that is currently being developed.


The partners of the Laboratorio Alte Valli project are: : Città di Pinerolo, CNA-Torino, GAL Escartons e Valli Valdesi, Città Metropolitana di Torino, UnionCoop Torino s.c., Syndacat Pays de Maurienne, Communauté de Communes du Briançonnais, Communauté de Communes du Pays des Ecrins, Communauté de Communes Porte de Maurienne, Communauté des Communes Maurienne Galibier.

The Cuore Innovativo project is financed by ALCOTRA (Alpes Latines Cross-border Cooperation), one of the European cross-border cooperation programmes. The programme covers the Alpine territory between France and Italy and the period 2014-2020 is its fifth programming period. Since 1990, the programme has financed almost 600 projects for around EUR 550 million in EU subsidies. ALCOTRA's overall objective is to improve the quality of life of populations and the sustainable development of cross-border territories and economic and social systems through cooperation involving the economy, the environment and services to citizens.