Nestled between the two orographic slopes of the Dora Riparia, crossed by the Via Francigena, dominated by the majesty of the Sacra di San Michele, the Susa Valley is the land of canestrello and gofri, of marroni and tome, of heroic viticulture and Baratuciat, of the rediscovery of olive groves and ancient wheat. United by the Braida hill, Val Sangone owes its name to the stream that washes Giaveno and Coazze, the respective capitals of mushrooms and 'cevrin', a goat's cheese produced in the mountain pastures of the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park.
A vast and shared natural, landscape and cultural heritage, an expression of the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand and Orsiera Rocciavrè Nature Parks, the Avigliana Lakes and the Special Nature Reserves of the Orrido di Chianocco and Orrido di Foresto.